Writing Nonfiction for the Inspirational Market

From ghostwriting for speakers to writing devotionals, discover how you can start writing for the Christian / Inspirational Market.

Course Summary

Are you ready to try your hand at ghostwriting? Or maybe you’d like to repurpose your own writing for social media or books using ghostwriting principles. If so, this session by Gena Maselli is for you. In over 20 years of writing for and working with speakers, ministers, and influencers, Gena has learned how to make the process of ghostwriting as seamless as possible. She’ll teach you:

  • Why transcripts are a goldmine for books, articles, blogs, social media, and anything else you need to produce
  • How to tackle long transcripts without getting overwhelmed
  • How to find a speaker’s core message
  • How to keep the personality of the speaker without forfeiting quality and professionalism
  • And more! 

The lessons you’ll learn in this session will help you build a successful freelance career and even streamline your own writing. Don’t miss this chance to take your freelance business and even your own author platform to new levels with these ghostwriting principles!


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Lifetime Access

$27 USD

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Gena Maselli

Gena Maselli is a professional writer who has written 15 books as well as articles for Brio, HomeLife, Christian Single, Marriage Today and others. She has also edited and ghosted for several well-known ministers and written children’s church curriculum, direct mail, marketing materials and more.