10 Essential Apps for Authors

Supercharge your work and GET STUFF DONE with these amazing applications.

Course Summary

Plotting, writing, editing, formatting, marketing–what if you could do it all easier and faster? In this workshop, Christopher Maselli shares some of the best and easiest tools that will take your writing platform to the next level. We’ll look at free and affordable apps that will improve your writing, update your social media, keep you accountable to your writing goals, and much, much more. You won’t believe what you’re missing out on!

Course Curriculum

Christopher Maselli

Award-winning author Christopher Maselli has written more than 50 books, is a Certified Digital Marketing Professional, children's writer, marketing writer and ghostwriter... and on his training site, WritingMomentum.com, he helps put other writers on the fast track to success! He has received a Masters of Fine Arts in Writing and lives in beautiful Prescott, Arizona, with his wife and children. 

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